Dr. Gurinder Singh Brar - Research Supervision
(Mechanical Engineering)
Research Supervision
Programme Name Scholar Name Research Topic Status From To Suprivisor(s) Co-Superivisor
Ph.D Prem Singh Investigations into Friction Crush Welding of Two Dissimilar Metals Awarded (Part Time) 2017-10-03 2023-08-02 Dharmpal Deepak Gurinder Singh Brar
Ph.D Harnam Singh Farwaha Development and Performance Evaluation of Ultrasonic Assisted Electrochemical Magnetic Abrasive Machining of 316L Stainless Steel Awarded  2017-10-03 2021-11-29 Dharmpal Deepak Gurinder Singh Brar
Ph.D Hitesh Arora Finite Element Simulation of Weld-induced Residual Stress in a GTA Welded Thin Cylinders Awarded  2015-01-01 2020-05-09 Rupinder Singh Gurinder Singh Brar
Ph.D Chatwant Singh Pandher Design of Composite Leaf Spring - An Experimental and Numerical Approach Awarded  2013-01-01 2019-09-30 Gurinder Singh Brar Tejeet Singh
Ph.D Harmeet Singh Design and Analysis of Metal Matrix Composite Based Leaf Spring Awarded  2014-01-01 2019-08-19 Gurinder Singh Brar 0
Ph.D Khundrakpam Nimo Singh Investigations into Near-dry and Powder Mixed Near-dry EDM Awarded  2013-01-01 2018-11-22 Gurinder Singh Brar Dharmpal Deepak
Ph.D Rakesh Kumar A Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Residual Stresses in Butt Welding of Flat Plates Awarded  2012-01-03 2018-04-23 Gurinder Singh Brar 0