Vivek Kumar - Research Projects
(Electronics & Communication Engineering)
Research Projects
Role Project Type Title Funding Agency From To Amount Status Co-Investigator
Co-PI Category-I of the Chips to Startup (C2S) Programme of MeitY A novel power on pilot IC for ultra-low power wireless IoT devices MeitY 2023-05-29 Category-I of the Chips to Startup (C2S) Programme of MeitY TBD by IIT Roorkee Ongoing Dr. Nitanshu Chauhan, Dr. Sarita Yadav, and Dr. Hariharan Muthusamy
Co-PI Category-III, Chips to Startup (C2S) Programme, MeitY VLSI Design and Implementation of Imagined Speech based Neuroprosthesis: An application in Healthcare System MeitY 2023-05-24 Category-III, Chips to Startup (C2S) Programme, MeitY 84.70 lakhs Ongoing Dr. Hariharan Muthusamy, Dr. T.S. Arora, Dr. Nitanshu Chauhan, and Mr. Himesh Kumar