Dr. Minakshi Rana - Journal Publications
(Humanities and Social Sciences)
Journal Publications
Year Author(s) Title Journal Name Indexing Quality Impact Factor
2024 Minakshi Rana How the Relationship of Cultural Intelligence and Social Connectedness Fosters Psychological Well-Being Among International Students in Northern India? Millennial Asia: An International Journal of Asian Studies Scopus Q1 1.3
2022 Minakshi Rana A deep dive into metacognition: Insightful tool for moral reasoning and emotional maturity Neuroscience Informatics, Elsevier Scopus Q3 0
2023 Minakshi Rana Virtual Teams, Academic Resilience and Mental Wellbeing: A Study of International Students in Virtual Teams in India FIIB Business Review Scopus Q2 2.6
2023 Minakshi Rana How technological innovation and electricity consumption affect environmental quality? A road map towards achieving environmental sustainability Environmental Science and Pollution Research SCI Q1 5.8
2020 Minakshi Rana Measurement of cultural intelligence and its impact on psychological adaptation of international students in India. Vision Scopus Q2 2.8