Dr. Maheep Singh (On Lien) - Administrative Experience
(Computer Science & Engineering)
Administrative Experience
Position Held Department and Organization From To
Associate Dean (Faculty Welfare) NIT Uttarakhand 2023-02-01 Till Date
Associate Dean (Academic-UG) NIT Uttarakhand 2020-06-01 2023-01-31
Faculty Incharge Student Counseling, Sound System and Photography NIT Uttarakhand 2019-06-03 2020-05-31
Faculty Incharge Open Source Software and MOOC NIT Uttarakhand 2017-07-24 2018-07-11
Faculty Incharge Website and Computer Maintenance NIT Uttarakhand 2015-08-11 2017-01-31
Faculty Incharge Network and Server NIT Uttarakhand 2013-08-14 2015-08-10