Dr. Kuldeep Sharma - Profile Summary
Dr. Kuldeep Sharma
Associate Professor

Name Dr. Kuldeep Sharma
Phone 9456318765
Email [email protected]
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Designation Associate Professor
Department Mathematics
Qualification PhD
Date of Birth 1978-11-20
Date of Joining 2013-06-26
Specialization Computational Mechanics, Numerical Methods
Educational Qualification
Name of the Degree Year Of Passing Institute/University
M.Sc. (Mathematics) 2001 D.A.V College Jalandhar (affiliated to Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar)
PhD 2012 Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Teaching Experience
Programme Name Name of Institute / Universities From To
Assistant Professor (Senior Scale) Department of Mathematics, UPES, Dehradun 2012-07-06 2013-06-20
Assistant Professor Department of Mathematics, NIT Uttarakhand, Srinagar(Garhwal) 2013-06-26 Till Date
Administrative Experience
Position Held Department and Organization From To
Coordinator Student Grievance Redressal Cell NIT Uttarakhand 2021-12-31 Till Date
Head of the Department Department of Mathematics, NIT Uttarakhand 2022-03-01 Till Date
Research Experiences
Research Interest Breif Research Interest
Research Projects
Role Project Type Title Funding Agency From To Amount Status Co-Investigator
Journal Publications
Year Author(s) Title & Vol. No. Journal Name Indexing (SCI)
2024 Ashish Kumar, Kuldeep Sharma, Tinh Quoc Bui Singular integral method based closed form solution for moving EMPS model in semipermeable two‐equal‐collinear cracked MEE material ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik SCIE
2023 Kuldeep Sharma, Sandeep Singh, T.Q. Bui Simplified numerical algorithms for generalized strip saturated two equal collinear cracks in piezoelectric media using distributed dislocation technique ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik SCIE
2011 R.R. Bhargava, K. Sharma A study of finite size effects on cracked 2-D piezoelectric media using extended finite element method; 50 Computational Materials Science SCI
2012 R.R. Bhargava and Kuldeep Sharma Numerical Solution of an Edge Cracked 2-D Piezoelectric Media Using Extended Finite Element Method; 110-116 Applied Mechanics and Materials Scopus
2012 R.R. Bhargava, Kuldeep Sharma X-FEM simulation for two-unequal collinear cracks in 2-D finite piezoelectric specimen; 8 International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design SCIE
2012 R.R. Bhargava, Kuldeep Sharma Application of X-FEM to study two-unequal-collinear cracks in 2-D finite magnetoelectroelastic specimen; 60 Computational Materials Science SCI
2013 R. R. Bhargava, Kuldeep Sharma Griffith’s crack in a 2-D piezoelectric domain with an arbitrary polarization direction~ Analytical/X-FEM solution; 8 Strength, Fracture and Complexity Scopus
2013 K. Sharma, T. Q. Bui, Ch. Zhang, R. R. Bhargava Subinterface cracks in piezoelectric bimaterials using the extended finite element method; 104 Engineering Fracture Mechanics SCI
2015 S. Bhattacharya, G. Pamnani, S. Sanyal, K. Sharma Numerical simulation of crack propagation under fatigue loading in piezoelectric material using extended finite element method; 4 International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering Scopus
2016 K. Sharma, T.Q. Bui, R.R. Bhargava, T. Yu, J. Lei, S. Hirose Numerical studies of an array of equidistant semi-permeable inclined cracks in 2-D piezoelectric strip using distributed dislocation method;80 International Journal of Solids and Structures SCI
2017 K. Sharma, T.Q. Bui, S. Singh Numerical distributed dislocation modeling of multiple cracks in piezoelectric media considering different crack-face boundary conditions and finite size effects; 10 Strength, Fracture and Complexity Scopus
2017 S. Singh, K. Sharma, R.R. Bhargava Complex variable approach in studying modified polarization saturation model in two-dimensional semipermeable piezoelectric media; 38 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) SCIE
2019 S. Singh, K. Sharma, R.R. Bhargava Modified strip saturated models for two equal collinear cracks with coalesced zones in piezoelectric media; 40 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) SCIE
2019 S. Singh, K. Sharma, R.R. Bhargava Analytical solution for two equal collinear modified strip saturated cracks in 2-D semipermeable piezoelectric media; 99 ZAMM-Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics SCIE
2019 Sandeep Singh, Kuldeep Sharma, Tinh Quoc Bui New analytical solutions for modified polarization saturation models in piezoelectric materials; 54 (15) Meccanica SCI
2021 Sandeep Singh and Kuldeep Sharma Riemann-Hilbert approach based analytical solutions for strip saturated two unequal collinear cracks in piezoelectric media, Strength, Fracture and Complexity; 13(4) Strength, Fracture and Complexity Scopus
2021 Sandeep Singh, Kuldeep Sharma, T.Q. Bui Closed-form solutions for modified polarization saturated models in two unequal collinear cracked piezoelectric media with coalesced interior zones; 89 European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids SCI
Conference Publications
Year Author(s) Title Conference name with place Indexing (SCI)
2023 (Online) Rajalaxmi Rath, Kuldeep Sharma Frontiers in Industrial and Applied Mathematics: FIAM-2021, Punjab, India, December 21–22 Scopus
2012 R.R. Bhargava, Kuldeep Sharma RAITM’ 2012 at SGRRITS, Dehradun -
2011 R.R. Bhargava, Kuldeep Sharma Future Communication, Computing, Control and Management, (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg) LNEE Scopus
2015 K. Sharma, Sandeep Singh, R.R. Bhargava ICAMS 2015, GSSDGS Khalsa College Patiala -
2015 K. Sharma Proceedings of 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics -
2015 Sandeep Singh, K. Sharma, R. R. Bhargava e-proceedings of the 60th Congress of ISTAM held at MNIT Jaipur -
2015 K. Sharma e-proceedings of the 60th Congress of ISTAM held at MNIT Jaipur -
2017 K. Sharma, Sandeep Singh Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computational Mechanics Scopus
2018 A. Jha, V. Kukshal, A. Sharma, K. Sharma AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
2020 Sandeep Singh, Kuldeep Sharma AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
2021 Kuldeep Sharma, Sandeep Singh Recent Advances in Computational Mechanics and Simulations (Springer Publications) Scopus
2021 Sandeep Singh, Kuldeep Sharma IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering -
Book/Chapters Written
Type Title Publisher Authors ISBN/ISSN No. Year
Research Supervision
Programme Name Scholar Name Research Topic Status Year Co-Superivisor
Ph.D Sandeep Singh Analytical and Numerical Studies of Modified Polarization Saturation Models in Piezoelectric Media Awarded -
Ph.D Mr. Ashish Kumar Singular Integral Equations Based Solutions for the Modified EMPS Models in Semipermeable Magneto-electro-elastic Media Ongoing -
Ph.D Ms. Rajalaxmi Rath Development of X-FEM solutions for Semipermeable Static and Dynamic Fracture Problems in Piezoelectric Media Ongoing -
Name Reg./Ref.No. Date Of Award/Filling Organization Status
Expert Talks
Year Title Place Description
2019 Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equation Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Uttarakhand STTP on Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering
2020 Symbolic Math and PDE Tool boxes in Matlab Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Uttarakhand Short Term Training Programme on MATLAB and LABVIEW: Application in Engineering & Sciences
2020 FEM, X-FEM and its implementation using Matlab NIT Uttarakhand Short Term Training Programme on Advanced Computational Techniques in Engineering Sciences & Mechanics
2020 Introduction to Finite Element Method with Matlab Programming NIT Uttarakhand two days Online workshop on Mathematical Modeling and MATLAB Applications (MMMA-2020)
2020 XFEM- a highly efficient numerical technique for studying the propagating cracks in smart materials Panjab University Chandigarh International Conference, ICIIIE-2020
2021 Vector Calculus Rajasthan Technical University RTU (ATU) TEQIP-III sponsored Two Week Workshop on Engineering Mathematics-I
2022 Importance of Mathematics in Daily Life Government Upper Primary School, Nagar Palika Srinagar (Khirsu Block) An orientation program under the initiative of Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA) scheme, GoI
2022 Hands on Training in Solving Differential Equations using PDE Toolbox NIT Uttarakhand One Week Workshop on Hands-on-Training on Solving Differential Equations in Engineering Sciences
2022 Solution of Partial Differential Equations using MATLAB-PDE Toolbox DIT University, Dehradun One-week National Workshop cum Training Programme on Scientific Computing with Matlab
Title of Consultancy Client Organization Faculty Involved Amount(INR) Status
International & National Exposure
Sr.No. Title Description
Honors & Recognitions Achieved
Sr.No. Title Activity Given By Year
Merit Certificate 10th Class Punjab Government under National Scholarship Scheme -
Qualified UGC-CSIR (NET) Exams CSIR 2000
AIR-69 GATE Exams - 2008
Best Poster Presentation Award National Meet of Research Scholars in Mathematical Sciences-2009 (Sponsored by DST, New Delhi) at Department of Mathematics, IIT Roorkee held on December 19-23, 2009 Department of Mathematics, IITR 2009
Runner-up Position Captain of the Team, Inter-NIT Faculty & Staff Cricket Tournament (27th -30th Dec. 2019, VNIT Nagpur) Director, VNIT Nagpur 2019
Best Employee of the Institute Teaching, Research and Administrative Works Director, NIT Uttarakhand 2020