Dr. Surendra Singh (On Lien) - Expert Talks
(Computer Science & Engineering)
Expert Talks
Title Place Year Description of Event
Thesis and article writing in LaTeX in the workshop on Article and Thesis writing using LaTeX NIT Uttarakhand 2018 Delivered an expert lecture on the topic Thesis and article writing in LaTeX in the workshop on Article and Thesis writing using LaTeX sponsored and Organized by NIT Uttarakhand from 25/01/2018 to 29/01/2018.
Flipped and Blended classroom learning method in Online Induction/Refresher Programme on “Use of ICT in Engineering Education Dept. of ECE, MSIT Delhi 2021 Delivered an expert lecture on the topic Flipped and Blended classroom learning method in Online Induction/Refresher Programme on “Use of ICT in Engineering Education” sponsored by AICTE-ISTE and organized by Dept. of ECE, MSIT Delhi from 15/03/2021 to 20/03/2021.
Tactile Networks ABV-IIIT Gwalior 2020 Delivered an expert session/lecture for PG students on the topic Tactile Networks at ABV-IIIT Gwalior from 27/10/2020 to 06/12/2020 through online mode (Visiting Faculty).
Thesis and article writing in LaTeX in the workshop on Antenna design, fabrication, and analysis IT Gopeshwar, Srinagar, Uttarakhand 2019 Delivered an expert lecture on the topic Thesis and article writing in LaTeX in the workshop on Antenna design, fabrication, and analysis sponsored by TEQIP-III and Organized by IT Gopeshwar, Srinagar, Uttarakhand from 14/10/2019 to 18/10/2019.
Information Retrieval and Extractions ABV-IIIT Gwalior 2022 Delivered an expert session/lecture for PG students on the topic Information Retrieval and Extractions at ABV-IIIT Gwalior from 10/02/2022 to 15/04/2022 through online mode (Visiting Faculty).